"Five years ago we were doing any project that came through the door... Now, we're doing whole-house renovations. We're doing brand new homes. We're very selective about the clients we accept. That means I get to pick and choose which projects I want to work on but, just as importantly, which clients I want to work with. That makes everyone happier... Life is a little bit more fun"
Peter Twohy
2e Architects
Towson, Maryland
"The LCC & multi-option proposals have worked a treat to raise the average fee per project.”
Duncan Sinclair
Whanganui, New Zealand
"(I have) More clients that are ready to move forward more quickly. Increased profit. I'm a start up firm so learning how to market well is key to moving forward and getting to the stuff that actually pays"
“(Our) New approach to client enquiries has lead to almost 100% take up of N+O Appraisals (paid appraisals)"
Rod Hughes
2030 Architects
Penrith, United Kingdom
" (The) Recent exercise of pricing options had great results. Got hired for a full package of services without price haggling. Will definitely keep this from now on.”
Roderick Anderson
Sarco Architects
Costa Rica
"“LCC [low-commitment consultation] works great. Not wasting time on tyre kickers.”
Carol Marrayeh
Marra + Yeh Architects
Darlington, NSW, Australia
"I felt like, before we started in this program, all we knew how to do in terms of marketing was to put up a website, maybe ask around for referrals and hope that some of these random efforts would pan out. It all felt kind of haphazard. Now I feel like we have a whole system for marketing"
Tyrone Yang
Yang Architects
Greater Boston, Massachusetts, Area
"I no longer give free consultations, thus eliminating the tire kickers and Walmartians. My clients are ready to buy my way or they take the highway. I have secured several better quality projects as a result and spent less time punishing myself.”
Ron Halfhill
Verdant Ventures
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
"“We entered into a needs and options contract for $5,000, and that turned into a major Master Planning and Design project with $2,000,000 in fees, along with a marketing agreement with the client.”
Vincent Pieri
Pieri Architects
San Juan, Puerto Rico